Sunday, October 30, 2016

Week in Review - Ode to Friends

I started out the week unable to hear anything out of my right ear.  The docs on call doctor said it was as if I had been flying or as if I had just driven through the mountains.  I said, "I know - now what can you do about it?"  I had no cold, maybe a slight ear infection, no congestion."  It was weird.  I was on an antibiotic, but if I walked right past you this week and you said, hi - chances are I never heard you.

On Monday morning we met with Suzanne for our semi-private NLP session at Golds.  Leave it to Suzanne to come up with new exercises to us.   After this workout, I went and met with Ryan and went over my schedule for the week and my eating from the past week.  Monday evening I went and did 45 minutes of Kickboxing.

On Tuesday morning we met with Suzanne again for our semi-private NLP.   Then I came back to Golds at 5:00 p.m. with Nancy and Tori for a workout with Semaj.  We did the rower, the sled, wall balls and the ropes for 30 minutes.  This was us after 30 minutes.  They absolutely love when I take their picture - especially with the sweat dripping off of our faces.

Nancy, Semaj, me and Tori

We then moved on to Jacob's Ladder, planking and TRX rows for the last 30 minutes.  I grabbed a shake, ran home, changed shirts and picked up my neigbor Kate and we headed to Core Wellness in the Park.  This has turned out to be a really fun time with a new group of friends and we are all enjoying it.  My friend made this photo collage from the night.  The instructor Robyn was standing on my feet while I did sit ups and she kept trying to get a picture and it would never take at the right time.  So I sat up and held until she got a good picture.  It makes me smile every time I see it. 

Core Wellness group

Wednesday all I needed to do was 30 minutes of Cardio on my own and then I did 100 pullups (because we haven't done them since Ryan left Golds).  I headed home after that to spend the day with my husband as we celebrated 25 years of marriage.

100 pullups

Thursday - MARS (Martial Arts Research Systems) said we could bring a friend for free to Kickboxing.  I asked how many friends can I bring?  As many as I'd like.  So on Thursday, I worked out with Semaj again at Golds from 5-6 and then hightailed it down to MARS to Kickboxing with my friends.  They appeased me and posed for a picture afterwards.  It was dress up night for Halloween and that is why Ryan is in costume.  (Sorry I forgot to tell you all about the cardio in between rounds and the ab workout at the end.  oops.)

Kickboxing with Patricia, Ashley, me, Miguel, Leonard,
Michael and Ryan

Friday we had an 8:00 am workout with Semaj and then a 5:30 p.m. kickboxing workout.  I am so happy that Nancy joined kickboxing with me and that Patricia was already a member.  It's a really fun workout.

Nancy, me and Patricia H.
I had gone back to the doctor on Thursday and seen my doctor.  She told me to take a prescription nose spray, a Claritin, a Pepcid (antacid - but it has antihistamine in it) and Motrin.  She said take them all at once.  That worked.  I am 95% better now.  So I should be able to hear you at the gym now. 

I truly am thankful for all of my friends!

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