Today I got good use out of the Urban Dictionary/Dictionary. These young trainers and their lingo sometimes. Thank God for google. Today I looked up Tabata, cake walk, perceived exertion, and functional training. More on that in a bit.
Paul wanted to see if we could lift our arms after the Tabata of shoulder presses. YES we can! |
I'm not going to lie, Thursdays are my most challenging days. I'm tired by Thursday. But I WANT this, so I drop my son at school and head to Golds Gym. I'm 30 minutes early for the training with Paul so I get in some core work and some shoulder stretches.
I meet Tori at 8 and we start our "upper body" workout with Paul. Today we are blessed with deadlifts (6 sets of 10), and pullups (5 sets of 10). Paul gives us the statistic of how many people can do a pullup. (I don't remember the number but it's really low.) I say, you know Ryan used to say that and we had to do pullups almost every day when we trained with him. However, we've never done them since so I'm actually happy we are doing these. Tori- are you happy?
Deadlifts and pullups |
Back to the "fun room" to do kettlebell rows (see the towel on the kettlebell?) and TRX pushups. I have an injury on my right hand so I am unable to do regular push ups at this time. But if I use the TRX I can shift my weight away from my palm; however today my palm hurt more than usual. But I got them done. Also for the rows, when I did them with my left hand, Paul gave me a dumbbell to hold with my right hand. Again that took the weight off of my palm. It's not pictured, but we did that on the second set. I have no idea how many we did. I think after five I asked if we were done and he replied, Oh you want to do another round?
Kettlebell rows with a towel (I'm sure there is a fancier name.) and TRX pushups |
Our finisher was overhead press with dumbbells in a TABATA. Back story: While I trained with Ryan (in person), I simply did what he told me to do and never asked questions. When I realized he was going to move away I started asking more questions, so I could learn the why of things. Because I ask questions I know a TABATA is 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest. So Paul is keeping the time, I am counting the rounds. I say, "Okay, just 8 rounds then, right?" He replies, "No, as many rounds as I want." I say, "A Tabata is 8 rounds." He says, "A Tabata is 2 to 1." If you ever worked out with me, by now you would be screaming, "Patty, shut up!" We finish 8 rounds. I say, that's eight. He replies, I know. Keep going. The kicker? I would have let you stop at 8 had you not questioined it. (OK - so the Urban dictionary says I'm right. I looked it up later. But my being right, got me 2 extra rounds.)
tabata |
tabata |
We finish with Paul and Tori says, I can stay and do cardio with you. I am supposed to do 70 minutes on the AMT (elliptical) steady state (keep going - no rest) and get my heart rate to 141. I'm already angry and I haven't started. So I shoot Ryan a text off to Boston -- "It would help me mentally if you would tell me why I have to do 70 min steady state on the AMT and not intervals." I don't wait for a reply, and Tori and I start chugging away. About 10 minutes in I receive the following reply "Get on that AMT and bust out 70 min. That's a cake walk for you." What's a cake walk? I've heard of a "walk in the park." and I've heard of "a piece of cake." After we are all done I look up "cake walk." Basically it's a combination of those two terms. Well I'm glad he thinks it's a "cake walk" for me. I didn't feel that way. (By the way - thank you Tori for sticking with me.)
At the end of the day, let's get real. I asked for this. It's working. I just need to shut my mouth when I'm tired and not let the complaining out.
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