It's that time of year again, where I like to reflect back on my year and remember all that I am thankful for. I thought about just re-posting what I wrote last year in my Thanksgiving = Thanks living post, because I feel much of the same way this year. But you know me, I have too much to say to just re-post.
My husband of 26 years and me. |
I am thankful first and foremost for my husband and my children. Dave has been reaping many benefits of "fitness" in this year of 2017. I have complete support from him and all three of my children which makes meal prep and finding the time to work out pretty easy. We look forward to many years together reaping the benefits of the seeds we are sowing now.
Tori, me, and Stephannie |
I am thankful for Tori and Stephannie. We are a fierce threesome when it comes to obtaining our goals. When one person is ready to throw in the towel (because of the many changes we've experienced in the past year), the other encourages and reminds why we will not give up. They are available morning, noon, and night and they are FUNNY. We send hysterical snapchats to one another and we also are able to just talk about life together and help one another.
The above picture is a true depiction of how my year has gone. For the NLP program at Golds I am on the 4th trainer in one year.
Number One - Ryan - I am forever grateful for the day I met him. He has completely changed my life. And although he left Grand Junction in May of 2017, he continued to work with me from South Dakota and now from Massachusetts. A lot of our year was spent figuring out some health issues with me, but once they got stabilized and I got back from vacation (August 2017) we started a 20 week plan. Currently I am just finishing Week 15 and I have lost 15 pounds. I really can't thank him enough for all he has taught me.
Numbers Two and Three - Semaj and Misty - I am grateful for the short time we had together too. Lots of laughs and fun.
Number Four- Paul - I actually did NOT like Paul when I met him. AT ALL. So I'd say we have come a LONG way. My husband Dave worked with him all year. Dave would come home and rave about Paul and about how Paul was helping him get stronger. It was pretty cool to watch happen actually. And now, I couldn't be happier to be his client. He's done an amazing job with his clients at Gold's Gym and his clients have had great success. If you are local, I highly recommend Paul. At least go have a sit down and see if he can help you meet your goals. We certainly hope he stays for awhile so we do NOT have a Five. So in all seriousness Paul - thank you for all you have done for Dave and for me.
Swimming a Masters swim meet and swimming in general. |
I am thankful for swimming which will bring me back to Ryan. Ryan thank you for encouraging me to get in the pool no matter my weight; but get in the pool because it is something I love to do. One of my 2017 goals was to swim a Masters Swim Meet which I did! Right now, I am in an arthritis flare up AND my right wrist and palm have tendinitis. So I cannot lift weights with my right arm for a few more weeks. BUT my swimming has become so much stronger because I got in the pool a year ago. So with the help of a GREAT app - MySwimPro - I am able to complete intermediate level workouts and get a great cardio / and upper body workout.
2017 - A Year to Remember |
2017 was INCREDIBLE. Jessica graduated from college. Joe graduated from high school. Ben is almost 16 and driving soon. Dave and I went to the Grand Canyon, a Nascar Race in Phoenix, and to Bermuda. Our family went to Branson, Missouri and I went to Ohio to visit my family. Before January of 2016 these events would have completely exhausted me. Not only was I NOT exhausted, but I ziplined for the first time. I did the iFLY for the first time. I jumped off a cliff for the first time (since I was a teenager.) I climbed up this rubber slide contraption and slid off with my son, Joe. So, so very thankful for the weight I've lost and the strength I've gained.

Last but certainly not least I am thankful for all my friends, supporters, and readers. There are many times, I consider not writing publicly anymore. I would say when I get a thought like that, someone will message me and tell me how I am inspiring them. Someone that I had no idea was even reading what I write. So THANK YOU! ALL OF YOU! May God bless you with a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I leave you with the following:
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what
we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order,
confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a
stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for
today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." ~ Melody
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