I've been doing a lot of reflecting lately. My life has changed dramatically these past 15 months and that change has been for the better. I am feeling very thankful to be alive and to be healthy and to be looking forward to the changing dynamics of our household this next year.
Soon my oldest and my only girl will be moving across the country to Virgina to pursue her doctorate degree at VA Tech. Close on her heels will be our oldest son heading off to Golden to begin his College experience, leaving just our youngest home with Dave and me.
I've been thinking about 10 dates throughout my lifetime that have made a significant impact on my life - good and bad. That's what I want to reflect on in this post.
NUMBER ONE - October 9, 1961. The day that I was born
6th daughter of 7 girls. |
NUMBER TWO - July 27, 1962. The day I swallowed a peanut and was hospitalized for 30 days. Dr. Dugan and Dr. Dvorskey gave me up and told my parents I was in God's hands. My family, the doctors, the nurses, the church, the neighbors all prayed for me and I lived. That is what the scar on my throat is and it reminds me daily of those prayers that kept me alive.
After the month in the hospital - hair is curly from oxygen tent. |
NUMBER THREE- April 16, 1977. The day my sister beat Thyroid Cancer!!!!!!!!!
NUMBER FOUR - January 19, 1981. The day my 53 year old dad lost his battle with cancer. From that day forward I tried to tell people what they mean to me, because tomorrow is never promised.
Top photo is a healthy dad. Bottom photo is 10/1980. My dad is on the right. My grandpa (mom's dad) is on the left. |
NUMBER FIVE - July 4, 1991 - The day Dave asked me to marry him. We were on a boat on Lake St. Marys, in St. Marys, Ohio. He said he asked me while on the boat so I couldn't run away. (smile) He still displays that same sense of humor today.
NUMBER SIX, - October 26, 1991 - The day Dave and I were married. That was the happiest day of my life.
The getaway! |
NUMBER SEVEN - October 3, 1994 - The day our first child was born. Our doctor had told us (after a sonogram) that we were having a boy. We brought yellow and blue to the hospital. When she came out, he held her up to me and said, "Tell everyone what it is, Patty." I remember just staring at him and thinking, "That does not look like a boy." He finally had to say, "It's a girl." I was still just kind of trying to figure it out.
A father's love! |
NUMBER EIGHT - December 23, 1999- The day our second child was born. Due on December 31, 1999 our doctor had hoped for the millenial baby. But Joe had other plans. He was born within 45 minutes of arriving at the hospital, he let out one cry and then was mellow from then on out. Pretty much describes him to this day.
Joe newborn and 4 months old. |
NUMBER NINE - November 20, 2001 - This day is remarkable for two reasons. One is the birth of our third child - who by the way came out fast and screaming. I had Dave there and two friends and the doctors and the nurses. He screamed while each one of them tried to calm him. He eventually calmed down. My mom was visitng for Ben's birth and when she returned home to CA she went straight to Emergency from the airport. She had an aneurysm. It was a very scary time, but Ben is now 15 and my mom is still alive and well.
My mom and Benjamin David! |
NUMBER TEN - January 18, 2016 - Almost 35 years to the day after my dad passed away, I began my fitness journey because someone believed they could help me and then they followed through with what they had stated. I don't know if I can ever properly relate to my readers the hopelessness I felt before seeing success with Ryan's help. I honestly don't know if I would be here writing this right now, had we not started working together 15 months ago. I could really never say thank you enough times. I am reclaiming my life day by day and it feels great.
A pretty recent photo, showing how far I've come.
Each of these events changed my life. My belief in God is solid because of what happened to me at 9 months old. My realization to tell people what they mean to me while they are alive is living and real because of losing my dad at such a young age. My life is richer and fuller because of my marriage and my three children. And I am getting to enjoy this next chapter in their lives because of the help I received and followed through on to reclaim my health.
What are you thankful for? How has your life changed through the years? We always have two ways we can look at things - positively and negatively. It absolutely sucks that my dad died when I was 19, but I didn't let it ruin me. I tried to become a better person and I tried to be more like he had been. Hold on to the good and live life to the fullest. I know I am.
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